

I started painting late in life. 37 years old to be exact, when I moved to Los Angeles. I had no interest in painting nor had a paint brush or taken an art class in my entire life before that.

Then, after painting my very first canvas in Los Angeles and selling it for $500 was a clear sign to me that I had arrived to the world of professional art.

Early in my painting career several buyers commented, “Miss Gorham’s paintings have a strong Picasso feel to them,” as well as Coco Chanel and Andy’s Warhol’s unique simple style.

On June the 3rd, 2016 I was honored with an exhibit of my own, selling at $1,250.00 for my largest canvas, followed by 4 more exhibitions with over 100 paintings sold.

“I pick up pieces of jewelry, a single glove, a button, a piece of something interesting on the ground that I find from all over the world in my travels. I then put them away and when I am inspired I incorporate them into my canvases on my women’s faces which each are identified with a name.”

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. – Steven Jobs